Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who am I?

Hello world!

I'm Christie. I am 26 years old and live near San Diego, California.

Since I was little (maybe 11 or 12) I have had the most idealistic goal I can imagine... to save the world.

It started as an urge to save the Amazon rain forest and the physical Earth. Now it includes that and also includes saving humanity.

I have gone through a transformation over the last couple of years and peace has become my goal. I have been told that world peace will never happen. That doesn't stop me from imagining what it will be like and feelings the love and kindness that I know is out there.

I believe that peace is possible and it starts with us as individuals, making the effort to promote peace and understanding within our lives and in our communities. This is one of my contributions to the effort. I will be posting soon about my other contributions!


  1. I am very glad with your article and I support you and I still join with you.


  2. Thank you for joining me!

    Peace to you and yours,
